Maryland Covenant of Ministers' Wives, Inc.

Mentoring and Supporting First Ladies, Associate Ministers' Wives, and Widows

Mentoring and Supporting First Ladies, Associate Ministers' Wives, and Widows


This organization will serve two primary purposes which are mentoring and serving the community. Specifically, we:

  • Provide fellowship, support and training for minister’s wives.
  • Enable minister’s wives to explore, define and better understanding their role in today’s world.
  • Strengthen the skill of each minister’s wife to fill her role in the home, church, and community. 
  • Emphasize the partnership of minister’s wives in ministry with our husbands. 
  • Provide community service for those in need. 


To inspire and equip pastor’s and minister’s wives to reach their desired potential and purpose by growing in Christ, supporting our husbands and serving the community.


To become a national pastor’s and minister’s wives sisterhood that empowers, supports, encourages and develops members to advance the kingdom of God by serving His people and leading others to Christ.